Woorabinda Lake - Stirling South Australia

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The Club:

The Stirling Marblehead Yacht Racing Club is based in Stirling, South Australia some 20km east of Adelaide in the Adelaide Hills.

The Lake is simply beautiful. With a backdrop of regenerated forest, nature reflected brightly in its glassy waters and a flotilla of ducks ever present, it's hard to believe this secluded and idyllic spot is less than a minute's drive from Stirling's main street.


It is located in the picturesque Stirling Linear Park. 



The Club has been sailing since its inception by Laurie Rees and others in 1993 and only races the Marblehead "M" Class and has around 16 members at present.

Sailing is all year round every Wednesday for official races and infrequently on Sunday mornings.

Visitors are welcome to watch the yachts in action - members seem only too happy to let interested onlookers share their love of sailing by offering the controls.

  • Thanks to the Courier for the coverage of our club in the local hills newspaper.  Click here to see the article.


Hot / Severe Weather Policy:

Note changes resulting from the change in the way fire danger ratings are now defined.

  • Sailing will be cancelled on days of Catastrophic Fire Danger as defined by the ~5:00 pm forecast on the BOM and CFS sites on the preceding day,  The basis for this policy is the one way road leading to the lake and the Adelaide Hills Council restriction on the use of Woorabinda on those days.

  • Sailing will be held on days of Extreme fire danger BUT at the discretion of the individual members.

  • Be aware that the Hills Council may close Woorabinda on either extreme or catastrophic days and this would preclude us from sailing.

  • It is probably not appropriate to use the BBQ on extreme days.

  • The Fire rating is available from this site by following the link top the 'Weather' page and clicking on the 'CFS' icon (or writing just beneath)


Risk Assessment

Link to Document


An Environmental Value Assessment performed by Robby Towill prepared for the 'Friends of the Stirling Linear Park outlines amongst other things an interesting survey of the lake.  We have been given perrmission to reproduce this map here but not the whole document.  However, it is on the web and a Google search for 'woorabinda environmental value assessment pdf' will find it.  The article is copyrighted and should not be copied for reuse but can be read.




For more information Email our Club Secretary

Click on image for e-mail link

mail-in.gif - 9431 BytesBen Morris

Mob: 0424363428
4 Glen Court
Goolwa Beach SA 5214