What I don't
want to do here is delve into the differences between different designs of
yachts and sails but to accept your yacht as a given and to try to get the
best from that.
This is a new
section to the Stirling site and hopefully should grow over time.
Please come back regularly to see any developments.
the best from gusts This one did arise from the question
about acceleration by Steve a fellow sailor at Woorabinda.
Getting the most from
your rudder This issue is often
apparent when yachts seemingly fail to respond to rudder input.
What's going on?
Rudder and Rudder Servo Setup Maybe this is already done
but what if you are setting up your own boat or replacing a servo?
Servo Selection
What is this 'digital' in digital
Balancing your yacht What does it mean to 'balance' your
yacht? What is 'weather helm' these and more ideas examined
in this article
Radio selection This page examines the
advantages/disadvantages of the 2.4GHz radio system
Handicap starting system May be useful for clubs to try -
have a look and give it a go
Computer based (excel) handicap system.
Currently Version 2.7 More
sophisticated than the simple one which records finishing time
differences and generates a starting time for next race. Handles DNS,
DNF, RDG etc Now includes option for setting initial handicaps.
Radio programming for radio yachts. Is this useful?
How do you do it? Which functions to control?
More complex programming mixes. This one
for trimming the sail winch with a movement of the Rudder or a switch
Tuning a One Metre rig
for optimum performance
Beating to windward how to make it to the windward mark fast and
Tuning Shroudless Rigs how much backstay tension do you need?
Sail Shape and Design software. A simple
Microsoft access (office 2003 or later) program with many examples to
assist design of main/jib sail combinations including Marblehead with
sail area calculated. Download zip file and expand all to use.
Interested in feedback on this - email Ben at
An RC Yacht Rescue Boat Is this the ultimate RC
rescue boat? No! but it is an interesting discussion about an attempt to produce a radio controlled power boat to
rescue disable RC Yachts.
Count Down Timer. 2 minute timer for
starting races. Has 30s blank at end of file. Uses 'Australian'
voice. Click Click the link to download the file then right click
and chose the 'Save-as' option. Different browsers respond a
slightly different but the file should be available readily.
radio review including a mechanism for temporary gust and
pointing ability. Thanks to GRYG guys for feedback and to Joe R
from Austin Texas for his request for the information