Woorabinda Lake - Stirling South Australia

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Membership at SMYRC


The Stirling Marblehead Yacht Racing Club welcomes new members.  While experience in sailing is an advantage, many of our members have no background in sailing full sized yachts.  Others have sailing and racing experience in dinghies, trailerable yachts and keelboats.  Despite this disparity all our members are extremely keen on sailing radio controlled yachts.  The rules of sailing in RC yachts is basically the same as in full sized ones with a few minor variations.  The 'racing rule of sailing' - RRS which is the controlling rules publication world wide has a section (Appendix E) outlining these minor differences.  Click on the links to view them.

The Stirling club races Marblehead RC yachts.  These are a class of yachts originally designed in USA in the 1930's.  They have changed a great deal since then and are sailed world wide.  They are defined by a set of rules which basically specify the length (1275mm-1290mm), a maximum depth of 700mm, a maximum sail area of 0.5161 sq m and a maximum sail height of about 2060mm.  Hull shape within a few limits is open to experimentation though the current trend is towards quite narrow hulls.

Yachts can be purchased new, second hand or the club boat may be borrowed while a boat is organised.  Many of the club members built their own yachts or at least fit them out.  There is a wealth of expertise that can be shared to help new builders.

To join our club you need to complete a membership form.  This is available in three versions

  1. Complete the form on-line.  On submitting the form it will be automatically e-mailed to the secretary.  You will receive a reply confirming the application within a day or so,

  2. Complete a word form document by downloading it, completing the form and e-mailing it as an attachment to the secretary - 

  3. Download the club flyer which has an application form as part of the document, print the form, complete it and bring it to the lake on a Wednesday.

The club fees are currently $30 per annum due in May each year.  Some of this is sent to the state and national bodies (currently $8) for registration and insurance. This amount remains the same regardless of the timing of the initial membership application.  The club component of the fee (currently $22) is adjusted for membership initiated in the second half of the year (currently $11).  Members of another club pay a fee of $22 to sail at our venue as well.  This form of membership is referred to as an associate member.  Associate members have all the rights of a full member.  The associate membership fees is adjusted for membership initiated in the second half of the year.

Any new membership must be agreed to by the committee before becoming being formally accepted.  Memberships are renewed yearly subject to the same conditions.